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Bon Appetit

Bon Appétit

Eva Evans '21


She was a big eater.

She devoured everything she saw with a bursting passion,

Nibbled on snowflakes and licked at summer ponds.

Tasted the crimson September air and

Spit out the bitter words the boys told her, coughing and sputtering on their foul insults.


She much preferred her delectable dessert of starry skies and the delicious smell of winter pines,

And the words in her favorite books that made her mouth water.


She brought her spoon everywhere to sample different days and moments, she wanted everything, her stomach was restless for adventure.

She didn’t understand when people said they weren’t hungry.

She was always hungry.

A driving, determined kind of hunger,

That set her off searching for the meal that might finally leave her satisfied.




If she was anything, it was full.

Full of aching regret that stole every instinct of appetite from her chest.

She hugged it tight, because to crush this nausea was the only way to keep her heart from ripping open.

She had been holding this pain and truth down for too long, so long that it made her head spin with impossible wishes, a dizzying sorrow.

Sprinkled with guilt by someone who had jerked a shaker up and down a little too violently,

And left a pile of something that only needed a pinch.

The kind of too much that makes you sick.

She didn’t know if she could hide this remorse for one minute longer, and feared if she stopped suppressing it, it would rise and spill out into the hands of the wrong person.

And leave her gagging, embarrassed

Of the consequences of biting off more than you can chew.




The girl with the empty stomach, who was always impatient and unhappy with her current treat, and the girl who couldn’t get rid of her last poisoning feast fast enough.

They couldn’t have been more different, except they were more similar than they understood.


Because they both shared a common beverage.

The unsettling burden of loneliness.

The empty girl met the one in pain and she ate her sorrow.

All of it.


She let it spill into an eager cup and pressed it to her lips kindly.

She gulped all of her sadness down where her new friend wouldn’t have to let it build inside her, cut her guilt into pieces that weren’t so overwhelming, that were easier to chew, and gave the reeling girl someone who listened.

Someone who cared for her and someone who didn’t judge her suffering, just let her talk about it.


Suddenly, the girl who was full didn’t feel so heavy anymore.

And what of her friend, who had picked apart the world in search of something to make her feel complete?

She thought she’d tried everything, but it turns out she had never tasted the sugar sweet of a best friend.

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Beautful Strangers

Drawing by Danielle Hong '22

Beautiful Strangers

Angela Wang '20

I prefer strangers

Because detachment inspires sincerity

I open the impregnable fortress and expose my vulnerable insides

Because we will never meet again

Strangers are better than the ones we cherish and lose later in life

Their anonymity appeases my anxiety

And instills peace whenever my eyes are blinded by a veil of the unknown

I like taking the metro at rush hour

Where at each stop, new faces are thrust in and others thrust out

In the same carriage

Standing or sitting

Smiling or frowning

We meet and we part

Without words or promises, we do not inflict pain

I indulge in the comfort they offer

I look around and smile

Another beautiful stranger.

Artwork by Ashley Chung '19

Showing Symptoms

Showing Symptoms

Andy Cao '21

He’s a stranger to love,

He hasn’t seen it before,

Nor felt the pierce of the arrow,

Nor had the want for more.


He’s a stranger to the thrill,

To the many blushes of reds,

To the blinding of the eyes,

Unfamiliar to the fog of the head.


He’s a stranger to feeling deaf,

From the addictive, melodious song,

He cannot understand or comprehend,

Nor tell me what is right or wrong.


As he dances across the deadly stage,

And spreads his arms to the sky above,

He sprints towards doom and I know…

He must be a stranger to love.

Because of You

Because of You

Jessica Wolf '22

Rain in the sky,

Fire in my heart,

I didn’t know the future,

I didn’t know my part.


The world is not perfect,

Neither am I,

But what you have done,

Has torn a hole in my heart.


I idolized you from birth,

Loving you from the start,

You gave me a cousin,

Only for us to be ripped apart.


Your mistakes have brought me sadness,

Frustration and rage,

I don’t know what you did,

But that may stay hid.


Don’t expect me to forgive you,

But I will still love you,

You watched me as I grew,

But I will never idolize you as I used to.


My family is divided,

Some missing you and yearning for you to come home,

Others dismissive and wanting you gone.


I do not want to see you unless I must,

And do not expect me to welcome you home with happiness.


Please stay away,

For I don’t want to feel,

I don’t want to love,

I thought you were the man I once knew,

But now that is not true.


You went away,

And we are lost in the fray,

Our family's in danger,

All because of a stranger.

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Photograph by Ting-yo Tan '22

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