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A story of sorts


Girls are playing

games while the

boys are watching


It's an unforgettable

Feeling; the memory

looks brighter as you


Rabbits hop from one to

Another; caged, yet so



Go higher on the swings!

Wait outside in those mary janes!

Let the graphite finally talk.

How do you ever escape it?

The blankets are soft like fur,

So nice and warm.

Don't go.

Are you even prepared for the world?

Or are you going to be,

like everyone else,

A failed lab experiment?



Feet lightly tap the melted

butter floor. The

pungent odor of the dead

rats engulf the house.

So cold, so

much like home?


Everything is screaming.

The sun is setting.

Why is all of it fading?

I just can’t stop crying.


The light blue sky’s remind me

Of New York,

Stuffy white apartments, boxes

of Popeyes leaking

grease, and MTV.

A place I want to call home.

The void is peaceful.

You can be hopeful! They are so joyful!

I’m regretting it all.


A stranger, an

Interloper, an intruder

took over

the old one. So now, I

ache for Connecticut

in 2006, where blue

skies and wired headphones




The kids in uniforms walk under the graying sky, wearing ID cards around their necks.

Scan one, Scan two

Then there is you.

Shining a smile so bright that it could kill.

Welcome to the club!


Room number one is no fun!

Bleachers and a blue

floor. Too many

kids, not enough room.

Music, tears, and gas


I hate room one.


Room number two is cool!

They don’t even exist!

Paints and fists decorate

the walls and

the floor. You observe

it all.

You like room two?


Room number three is futuristic!

Computers from the

2000s and starving children

It’s okay, I

guess. There’s one more room.


Room number four is hell.

Kids and slop plague

my nose. Go to the

front desk to call

Mom. Take me home.

Screenshot 2024-02-04 at 10.48.32 PM.png

excerpted from:
Sunlight & Moonlight

layer uno.png

excerpted from:
Sunlight & Moonlight

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